Inspired by Grace

Welcome! In literary forms of short stories and letters, posts to Inspired by Grace center on faith, family, love, loss, and hope.

Letters to Grace began not as blog posts, but rather because of an absence. Seated on an airplane for my daughter’s first birthday, I wrote Grace a letter chronicling her first year. I sealed the letter in its envelope and continued the tradition until her 16th birthday. With Grace’s (and her brother Harry’s) permission, the letters are posted to share her story of becoming a young woman through good times and bad.

Saved by Grace highlights a faith journey and my conversion to Catholicism by following the Blessed Virgin Mary’s lead.

Amazed by Grace includes short stories highlighting my belief that God’s presence is with us through times of joy and sorrow and in navigating life’s twists and turns.

I look forward to reading your comments as I’m certain they will help guide my writing. Thank you for visiting Inspired by Grace!